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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:0次

1、在人海里爱你,是最好的距离。 Love you in the sea of people is the best distance. 2、我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。 I didn't cry, but tears came down. 3、哪怕遍体鳞伤,也要爱得潇洒。 Even if you are covered with black and blue, you should love naturally and unrestrained. 4、说到底,是我没新鲜感了是吧。 At the end of the day, I'm not fresh, right. 5、因为离别,我们才懂得了珍惜。 Because of parting, we know how to cherish. 6、爱一个人很痛,恨一个人很难。 Love a person is very painful, hate a person is very difficult. 7、找不到喜欢的伞,我宁愿淋雨。 Can't find the umbrella I like, I'd rather be in the rain. 8、一无所有,满身疲惫。 Nothing, tired. 9、以后我不凑热闹,你快乐就好。 After I do not join in the fun, you are happy. 10、做人真的太难,太累,太烦。 It's too hard, too tired, too tired. 11、切记,一种机会只能出现一次。 Remember, an opportunity can only come once. 12、唱情歌落俗,说爱又太苦。 Singing love songs is vulgar, saying that love is too hard. 13、醉过才知酒浓。爱过才知情重。 Wine is strong only when drunk. Love makes you know. 14、别再和好,就没有重蹈覆辙。 Don't make up again, there will be no repeat. 15、没有爱,你注定挤不进他生命。 Without love, you are doomed not to squeeze into his life. 16、心累了;就用沉默代替一切。 Heart tired; with silence instead of everything. 17、我用尽全力,过着平凡的一生。 I tried my best to lead an ordinary life. 18、你从未入戏,我却赔上了自己。 You've never been in the show, and I've paid for it. 19、你迟早会离开我,早走早利索。 You'll leave me sooner or later. 20、你怕被误会,我怕被嘲笑。 You're afraid of being misunderstood, I'm afraid of being laughed at. 21、期待是所有心痛的根源。 Expectation is the root of all heartache. 22、太多不尽人意,快乐好难。 Too much is unsatisfactory, so hard to be happy. 23、可惜你不懂,躯壳也会痛。 It's a pity that you don't understand. The body will hurt. 24、他不仅不爱你,还不肯放过你。 He not only doesn't love you, but also refuses to let you go. 25、能让你掉眼泪的从来不是我。 It's never me that makes you cry. 26、别人在等送伞,而我在等雨停。 Others are waiting for umbrellas, while I'm waiting for the rain to stop. 27、灯火阑珊,我的青春落了单。 When the lights are dim, my youth is out of order. 28、对自己好一点,然后去爱。 Be nice to yourself and love. 29、实不相瞒,爱情下手挺重的。 To tell you the truth, love is very heavy. 30、我即使消失了,也没人会发现。 Even if I disappear, no one will find out. 31、我想放下你,始终放不下。 I want to put you down. I can't. 32、回得了过去,回不了当初。 Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original. 33、唇角那浅浅的笑,都是甜的。 Lips that shallow smile, are sweet. 34、能力不在脸上,本事不在嘴上。 Ability is not in the face, ability is not in the mouth. 35、模糊了友谊,妄想了爱情。 Blurred friendship, delusion of love. 36、是你放不开,还是年轻心不甘。 Is it you can't let go, or young heart unwilling. 37、感谢背叛教会我不该善良。 Thanks for betrayal. It taught me not to be kind. 38、不打扰,是我最后的温柔。 Do not disturb, is my last gentle. 39、没有意义的付出,再也不想了。 Meaningless pay, no longer want to. 40、等一个人、还是等一个故事。 Wait for a person or a story. 41、失望到了尽头,然后心如死灰。 The disappointment came to an end, and then the heart was dead. 42、爱你恨你,最伤的还是自己。 Love you hate you, the most hurt or yourself. 43、生活、简单的如此苍白。 Life, simple so pale. 44、开始于喜欢,结束于了解。 It starts with liking and ends with understanding. 45、我不在乎你对我的不在乎。 I don't care what you don't care about me. 46、我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。 I'm still in place, silly waiting for you to come back. 47、我以为不露痕迹,思念却满溢。 I thought there was no trace, but my thoughts were overflowing. 48、风很自由,但它孤独。 The wind is free, but it is lonely. 49、看着他一个人,真的很心疼。 Looking at him a person, really heartache. 50、老天安排的分手,爱过就足够。 God arranged to break up, love is enough.






· 晒娃小短萌句,适合发朋友圈
