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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:14次

1、睡得好来心情棒,事半功倍明天一定好! Sleep well to be in a good mood, get twice the result with half the effort, tomorrow will be good! 2、每一个说了“晚安”去睡的人,往往半小时以后还在得瑟! Everyone who said "good night" to go to bed, often half an hour later, still get the se! 3、当夜幕降临,我开始祈祷:祝我心里的你平安! When night fell, I began to pray: I wish you peace in my heart! 4、累了就睡觉,醒来就微笑。晚安。 Sleep when tired and smile when you wake up. good night. 5、晚安,朋友!愿你不负青春,不负自己! Good night, friend! May you live up to your youth and yourself! 6、天上的繁星,为你演奏一首首催眠曲。 Stars in the sky play a lullaby for you. 7、做不到别人眼中的强者也没关系,做就做最好的自己。 It doesn't matter if you can't be a strong person in the eyes of others. Be the best you can be. 8、开开心心睡大觉,好梦连连来拥抱。 Happy sleep, good dreams come to embrace. 9、说一声晚安,暮色来的如此悄然。 Say good night, the dusk comes so quietly. 10、月辉盈盈,是我每天想念你的心情。 Yuehui Yingying is the mood that I miss you every day. 11、愿你一闭眼就能看到百花仙子的身影。 I hope you can see the figure of the hundred flower fairy as soon as you close your eyes. 12、从前,车马很慢,书信很远,一生只够爱一个人,对一个人说:晚安! Once upon a time, the carriage and horses were very slow and the letters were far away. I could only love one person in my life and say to one person: good night! 13、隔夜有微风,梦醒无烦恼,熏香伴你眠,明天会更好! Night breeze, wake up without worry, incense with you sleep, tomorrow will be better! 14、紧张,因为执着,快乐,懂得开怀。放松心情,祝您好梦! Nervous, because persistent, happy, know how to be happy. Relax, wish you a dream! 15、感恩生活也珍惜遇见,执着努力亦随遇而安。晚安! Thanksgiving life also cherish meeting, persistent efforts also go with the flow. good night! 16、盖上轻松,抱紧甜蜜,搂住香梦,会晤周公。 Cover relaxed, embrace sweet, embrace Xiangmeng, meet Duke Zhou. 17、今夜,让我念着你的名字、想着你的容颜入睡,愿你我在梦中想见,晚安! Tonight, let me read your name, think of your face to sleep, I wish you and I would like to see you in my dream, good night! 18、愿所有远在他乡的朋友,有个好梦,晚安。 Wish all the friends who are far away from home have a good dream. Good night. 19、为你带去宁静,祥和,温暖,好梦! Bring you peace, peace, warmth and dream! 20、祝你安睡到天亮,为自己充满电。 I wish you a good night's sleep and charge yourself with electricity. 21、睡眠是安神汤,每天服用,心安神宁。 Sleep is tranquilizing soup. Take it every day to calm the mind. 22、晚安,祝你睡个好觉,天天有福! Good night. I wish you a good sleep and a happy day! 23、生活是苦是甜,让平安永远。晚安,好梦! Life is bitter or sweet, let peace forever. Good night, wish you have a good dream! 24、我愿做天上的七仙女,织出千丝万缕,包裹着你。 I would like to be the seven fairies in the sky, weaving countless threads and wrapping you. 25、你是不是也和我一样,总想对某一个人说晚安,也总有一个人在等你说晚安。 Are you like me, always want to say good night to someone, there is always someone waiting for you to say good night. 26、今晚睡好觉,明天劲头足,祝你晚安。 Have a good night's sleep and have a good day tomorrow. 27、星星伴你点亮灯火,照亮你前程。 The stars will light up your future with you. 28、小月亮,高又高,窗户外面静悄悄,我要做个好宝宝,轻轻上床去睡觉。 Little moon, high and high, outside the window quiet, I want to be a good baby, gently go to bed. 29、愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦! May all the beautiful things fill your dreams. I wish you a good dream tonight! 30、美梦权当休闲,微笑面对明天。朋友,晚安! Dream right when leisure, smile face tomorrow. Good night, friend! 31、早点睡吧,你想要的,梦里都有,晚安。 Go to bed early. Everything you want is in your dreams. Good night. 32、牵挂依然挂深夜,安然入睡美梦连。 Still worried about the night, sleep safely, dream even. 33、祝入睡安然,好梦连连,呼呼大睡。 I wish you a good sleep and a good dream. 34、哄晦气睡个长觉,等好运悄悄来到。 Coax bad luck to sleep for a long time, waiting for good luck to come quietly. 35、晚上好!问候一下你身体,愿你健康,问候一下你心情,愿你快乐。 Good evening Greetings to your body, wish you health, greetings to your mood, wish you happiness. 36、睡眠是解乏散,累了一睡,精力充沛。 Sleep is to dispel fatigue, tired to sleep, energetic. 37、祝愿朋友放轻松,大梦不觉到破晓。 I wish my friends relax and have a big dream before dawn. 38、愿你在岁月的长河里,被温柔以待。 May you be treated with tenderness in the long river of years. 39、愿你忘掉烦恼,放松心情,安心入睡,多做好梦。 May you forget your troubles, relax, sleep at ease, and have a good dream. 40、看着夜空中的月亮圆了一轮有一轮,希望你的梦境也想月亮一样圆满!晚安! Looking at the moon in the night sky, I hope your dream will be as complete as the moon! good night! 41、天不早了,放松心情,早点休息朋友晚安。 It's getting late. Relax and have a rest early. Good night, friend. 42、幸福就是睡眠好,倒头就睡无梦扰! Happiness is good sleep, sleep without dream disturbance! 43、晚安!看着夜空中的月亮圆了一轮有一轮,希望你的梦境也想月亮一样圆满! good night! Looking at the moon in the night sky, I hope your dream will be as complete as the moon! 44、我想要睡觉,但是却睡不着,因为我对你的思念已经让我开始失眠了。 I want to sleep, but can't sleep, because I miss you already let me start insomnia. 45、晚安是让倦了的心,最放松的归宿。 Good night is to let tired heart, the most relaxed home. 46、今夜,你的睡眠你做主,晚安,朋友。 Tonight, your sleep is up to you. Good night, friend. 47、我最爱的小可爱/小仙女,快点睡觉了好不好?梦里在我们想去的地方见呀! My favorite little fairy, would you like to go to bed soon? I'll see you in the dream where we want to go! 48、刚刚我跟月亮通过电话,要它洒下清辉伴你入睡。 Just now I talked to the moon on the phone, asking it to sprinkle the light to accompany you to sleep. 49、悠悠的祝福,滴滴的问候,愿你拥有甜甜的美梦,晚安! Wish you a sweet dream. Good night! 50、童真是年少的青春,一路走过开更加珍惜每一分每一秒,晚安! Innocence is a young youth, all the way through the open, more cherish every minute every second, good night! 51、愿你夜夜都好梦,天天快乐相随,祝你晚安! May you have a good dream every night and happy every day. Good night! 52、祝福朋友好人好梦,天天开心快乐! Wish friends good dreams, happy every day! 53、跟孩子说一声晚安,关爱而温馨,增近了彼此的交流。 Say good night to the children, love and warm, and increase the communication between each other. 54、世界上最幸福的事情之一就是有人陪你睡觉,那个爱你和你爱的人。 One of the happiest things in the world is to have someone sleeping with you, the one who loves you and the one you love. 55、让我们一起跑步进入梦乡吧!晚安! Let's run and fall asleep together! good night! 56、不要奋斗太晚,好好保重身体,晚安。 Don't struggle too late. Take good care of yourself. Good night. 57、愿你贪吃不胖,愿你懒惰不丑,愿你深情不被辜负。晚安! May you be greedy and not fat, may you be lazy and not ugly, and may your deep feelings not be betrayed. good night! 58、昨日的离别,终有相聚,祝福如昔,朋友晚安,愿一切美丽! Yesterday's departure, there will be reunion, blessing as usual, good night friends, wish everything beautiful! 59、那明灭的灯光,是我祝福你的心声:晚安! That light, is my wish for you: good night! 60、相信明天会比今天好,睡吧,朋友们! I believe tomorrow will be better than today, sleep, friends!






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